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ECS-C3: GitOps with Kubernetes and Argo

GitOps inverts the Continuous Deployment model. Your production environment watches a Git repo for changes. When there’s a new deployment, the production cluster pulls those changes in.

It’s an approach which is becoming very popular. It reduces the number of systems involved in deployment, helps to keep your production environment secure and ensures your entire setup is reproducible.

In this episode we’ll see how GitOps works, using Argo - a CNCF project - to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster running in Azure.

Here it is on YouTube - ECS-C3: GitOps with Kubernetes and Argo


Docker Desktop for the local demos; Azure and GitHub for the others.

Prep for full demo

Create a whole new Kubernetes cluster with Argo deployed and the APOD app setup:


Trigger workflow (takes a few minutes).

Demo 1 - install ArgoCD

Install the Argo CLI.

Download the CLI for Windows:

curl -sSL -o C:/usr/local/bin/argocd.exe https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/releases/download/v1.8.1/argocd-windows-amd64.exe

argocd version

Deploy Argo CD:

kubectl create namespace argocd

kubectl apply -n argocd -f argo/

kubectl get crd -n argocd 

Get the initial server password (which is in the Pod name):

kubectl get pods -n argocd -l app.kubernetes.io/name=argocd-server -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}'

$pwd=$(kubectl get pods -n argocd -l app.kubernetes.io/name=argocd-server -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')

argocd login localhost --insecure --username admin --password $pwd

Connect Argo CLI to Kubernetes cluster:

argocd cluster add docker-desktop

kubectl describe clusterrole argocd-manager-role -n kube-system

Check the Argo CD UI at http://localhost, sign in with admin and echo $pwd

Demo 2 - deploy an app in Argo CD

Create the app:

argocd app create apod `
 --repo https://github.com/sixeyed/ecs.git `
 --path episodes/ecs-c3/apod `
 --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc `
 --dest-namespace apod

kubectl get ns

argocd app get apod

kubectl get applications -n argocd

Check the app at https://localhost/applications/apod

Sync the app:

argocd app sync apod

kubectl create ns apod

argocd app sync apod

Check in Argo UI and app at http://localhost:8010/

Set sync to automatic:

argocd app set apod --sync-policy automated

Update the API spec:

Edit the replica count in apod/api.yaml.

kubectl get rs -n apod -l app=apod-api

git add apod/api.yaml; git commit -m 'Replica update'; git push

Refresh app in Argo CD UI https://localhost/applications/apod

Check the changes are synced:

kubectl get rs -n apod -l app=apod-api --watch

Demo 3 - the full GitOps scenario

Multiple Git repos for the full setup:

Each repo has secrets for the bits it needs

Check the whole new Kubernetes cluster:


Check out apod-aks-create.yml, which does the work.

When done, check the output to get the Argo UI info. Browse to get the app IP address.

Make an ops change - update the replica count:

Push the change in sixeyed/apod-app, check Argo.

git commit -m 'Bump replicas'; git push

Make an app change - update the web page title:

Push the change in sixeyed/apod-source, and tag.

git commit -m 'Change title'; git push

git tag v3.0; git push --tags

Check in source repo: https://github.com/sixeyed/apod-source/actions

Check in app repo: https://github.com/sixeyed/apod-app/actions

Check in Argo UI

Check app

Coming next

That’s it for 2020 :)

The next show will be in January, where the theme is observability.